Extinction Shift Principle

since April 15, 2001 on the web


This Work Successfully Led To
Significant Findings on Gravitational Lensing
Astrophysical Evidence Clearly Shows
A Direct Interaction between Gravitation and Electromagnetism
Occurs Nowhere in Plasma-Free Vacuum Space

Updated: November 6, 2016

A pure Classical Physics look at Electromagnetism and Gravitation


For nearly a century now, there has been absolutely no concrete,  pure classical treatment to the physics problems pertaining to significant fractions of the velocity of light.  Until now, no alternative methods had been presented that use pure classical approaches which are explainable with simple, intuitive measures without having to resort to the usual framework of Special and General Relativity.

There is now a simple, profound and completely overlooked classical alternative to the Special and General Relativity principles.  It is the correct alternative that uses only the electrodynamics of Galilean transformations in Euclidean Space Geometry alone according to the principal axioms of the Extinction Shift Principle; a pure Classical Physics discipline coined and developed by this author.

Emission and Re-emission done correctly

above equations derived using step-by-step clear classical approaches only

solutions to both

Gravitation & Electromagnetism

under principal axioms of the

 Extinction Shift Principle 

first published in this book now available in

eBook for Kimble, Nook and Create Space

This book is the very tip-off that led to the

Significant Findings on Gravitational Lensing

first published in the 1991 and 2001 editions.


Contents of the Book
Book Reviews
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About the Author





To all who believe in the teaching of the truth

and are interested in science based on facts

and supported by observational evidence.


Extinction Shift Principle

the details

the very tip-off that led to the

Significant Findings on Gravitational Lensing

Gravitational deflection of light in solar plasma atmosphere derived from pure classical assumptions of minimum energy path of light exposed to gravitational gradient field of sun.


for details click here or above

Microwaves Found to Deflect only at Minimum Impact Parameter when Propagated in the Plasma Limb of the Sun


Finding Clearly Supported by Astrophysical Evidence

The Prediction of General Relativity and the Observations Alternately
A direct interaction between
Gravitation and Electromagnetism
occurs nowhere in plasma-free vacuum space






Microwaves from extragalactic radio sources deflect only at the impact parameter


corresponding to the plasma limb of the sun where R is the radius of the analytic Gaussian sphere that encloses the solar mass M.  The deflection is found to be precisely at the angle of exactly 1.752 arcsec. Deflections of microwaves at higher impact parameters > R and at angles < 1.752 arcsec are not observed.



Illustrated: Stellar Plasma Limb Focusing of Starlight Rays from Left to Right

Starlight deflected by any sun-like star with solar mass Msun and solar radius Rsun will come to a focus at 562 astronomical units(AU's). Arbitrary stars with stellar mass M and stellar radius R will have a plasma focal length of [(R/Rsun)(Msun/M)]x562 AU's. Hence, a more dens star with a solar radius Rsun will have a shorter plasma focul length < 562 AU's. A less dens star with a solar radius Rsun will have a longer plasma focul length > 562 AU's. 

Rays of starlight will come to a focus at 562 AU's from the sun. We shall refer to this distance as the Solar Plasma Focal Length.


Solar Plasma Focal Length



Burning Question:  Where are the Einstein Rings?

Light rays from any sun-like star of solar mass Msun and solar radius Rsun will come to a focus at a distance of 562 astronomical units, assuming a gravitational deflection at the angle of 1.752 arcsec.

The image of a low impact parameter Einstein Ring would be visible to any observer located near, but not beyond the Plasma Focal Length of a sun-like star, as illustrated above. For this very reason the gravitational lensing of a stellar plasma-limb lensing system would not be visible to observers at astronomical distances from the stellar plasma lens. Plasma Limb Focusing can be observed only by placing a remote sensing system in deep space near the Plasma Focal Length of the Sun or a Star.
The gravitational deflection of light apparently does not take place anywhere in plasma-free vacuum space. As supported observational evidence, Einstein Rings are not seen anywhere in the star-filled skies; a direct violation of the light bending rules of General Relativity.





the Academia, the Literature and the Referees
are getting completely WRONG 

To learn "Why?" click below.

The Abbreviated Details


Microwaves Found to Deflect only at Minimum Impact Parameter when Propagated in the Plasma Limb of the Sun

On the Significant Findings

The Observations The Fundamentals The Flawed Teaching

Misrepresentation of Correct Fundamentals + Misinterpretation of Observations

All of which leads too easily to the Acceptance of False Alarms



this topic will be presented at the

2016 Annual Meeting
of the
APS Mid-Atlantic Section
on Saturday, October 15, 2016
in Newark, Delaware
Details Click Here Below



Significant Findings


Gravitational Lensing

Dr. Albert Einstein's own words: 

"Wenn die Lichtgeschwindigkeit auch nur ein bi�chen von der Geschwindigkeit der Lichtquelle abh�ngig ist, dann ist meine ganze Relativit�tstheorie und Gravitationstheorie falsch." {Zitat A. Einsteins von einem Brief an Erwin Finley-Freundlich: August 1913}

"If the velocity of light is only a tiny bit dependent on the velocity of the light source, then my whole theory of Relativity and Gravitation is false." {Quotation of A. Einstein from a letter to Erwin Finley-Freundlich: August 1913}.



A Denial of the teaching of the Alternative is a

Shortchanging of the new Pupil of Science

"The physical science student is too often taught to be part of a closed society of non-intuitive thinking. Fortunately, the innocent, bright young open-minded student possesses an immunity to coercive teaching."

"The referees and the editorial staff of mainstream publishers are apparently hired to protect an in-house review system."



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"An Accelerating Universe?"
Truth: Finally Explained
Topic #02



Refereed Papers

"Time resolved images from the center of the Galaxy appear to counter General Relativity", Dowdye, Jr., E.H.,  Astronomische Nachrichten, Volume 328, Issue 2, Date: February 2007, Pages: 186-191.  Published on-line at: Search under author: Dowdye

"Extinction Shift Principle: A Pure Classical Alternative to General and Special Relativity", Dowdye, Jr., E.H.,  Physics Essays, Volume 20, 56 (2007) (11 pages); DOI: 10.4006/1.3073809

A German version "L�schverschiebungsprinzip; eine rein klassische Alternative zu der Allgemeinen und Speziellen Relativit�tstheorie" is soon to appear in a European journal.


Discourses & Mathematical Illustrations pertaining to the Extinction Shift Principle

under the Electrodynamics of Galilean Transformations

Purchasers of the book will receive FREE copies of refereed publications from the publisher

Other Refereed Publications and Papers (from the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System)

SPIE Proceedings

"The photon and its measurability", Proceedings of SPIE Digital Library The Nature of Light: What is a Photon? Volume: 5866 Downloadable Paper, pp. 119-134., Jul 25, 2008  

"Astrophysical evidence shows no direct interaction between gravitation and electromagnetism in empty vacuum space", Proceedings of SPIE Digital Library The Nature of Light: What are Photons? III, Volume: 7421 Downloadable Paper, (10 pages), 10 September 2009, To Download CLICK on the LINK and then peruse under topic "Paradigms and Models":  

"Gauss's Law for gravity and observational evidence reveal no solar lensing in empty vacuum space", Proceedings of SPIE Digital Library The Nature of Light: What are Photons? IV, Volume: 8121 Downloadable Paper, (10 pages), 28 September 2011

Videos, Articles, Lectures

Epoch Times (German)
Thunderbolt Project EU2014
Electric Universe EU2012 http://extinctionshift.com/TheFailedAttemptstoDetectMacroLensing.htm

Press Releases

13 Dec 2010

Deutsch 03 Dec 2008

 Deutsch 17 Oct 2007

F�r Weiteres �ber die L�schverschiebungsprinzip, Alternative zum Dopplerprinzip, neue formulierte Emissionstheorie und Alternative zum Relativit�tsprinzip: [Details] dr�cken 

The contents of this website is COPYRIGHTED � 2024 by the author Dr. Edward Henry Dowdye, Jr.