Extinction Shift Principle : The Details

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A Brief Historical Review

A Brief Historical Review

In order for us to understand and appreciate the significance and importance of this emission theory, it would be helpful to recall that, before Einstein's Special (1905) and General (1920) Relativity, the Physics of the wave mechanics and the interactions based on electromagnetism and gravitation was understood with the geometry of essentially Euclidean Space Geometry. This geometry was thought to require no modifications or distortions, using essentially intuitive measures in a three-dimensional space. The velocities were logically added under the rules of Galilean Transformations of Velocities. The time intervals, the lengths, the masses and the energies were treated classically and separately.

As Physics became more advanced and as the velocities and energies increased, the explanations of the phenomena of light and the interactions based on electromagnetism were thought to require additional modifications of the media of space and the concept to time. Also, before Einstein, a number of ether theorists, such as Larmor and Lorentz, attempted to introduce a luminiferous ether as an explanation to the observations of the countless number of experiments pertaining to the apparent constancy of the velocity of light. Henri Poincar� (1854-1912) introduce his idea of l'espace-temps the space-time in 1905 before Einstein explicitly quantified the concept much later in 1916. This was the later trends to modify or distort the geometry of the intuitive measures of space and time in order to force the theory to agree with the reality of the measurements and observations. This was essentially the death of the logical treatments, the application of pure classical treatments to attempt to explain the physical phenomena.

Emission theorists, i.e., Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), Pierre Simon de Laplace (1749-1827), Jean-Baptiste Biot (1774-1862), Sir David Brewster (1781-1868) and Walter Ritz (1878-1909) never got to complete the very important fundamentals, namely, the pure classical ideas that were base on the correct principles of optics that seemed to be, at that time, on the correct path.

Many emission theories have come and gone in the past century. The Extinction Shift Principle that is being presented here is an emission theory. Only this time, unlike earlier emission theories,

  • No ad hoc assumptions, no requirements of a medium (no ether), no relativistic assumptions, no distortions of the standard coordinate system of space and time were required for the formulation of the Extinction Shift Principle.
  • Galilean Transformations of Velocities and the principle of the rectilinear motion of the photon and of the graviton were exclusively applied in the Extinction Shift Principle, neither of which is properly taught in the modern classrooms of Physics.
  • For the very first time, the obvious consequence of the measurement and the undisturbed nature of a not-yet-measured primary wavelength is herein considered.
  • Significant findings of this emission theory: (a) Neither the wavelength nor velocity of a primary undisturbed wave or photon is measurable. (b) The primary, not-yet-interfered-with undisturbed wavelength remains unchanged and is independent of reference frames.
  • The Extinction Shift Principle correctly predicts the outcome of important experiments in the laboratories of Nature for both electromagnetism and gravitation.
  • The published Discourses & Mathematical Illustrations demonstrate for the very first time in Physics clear classical solutions in Euclidean Space under Galilean transformations of velocities applied to both electromagnetism and gravitation.




On the Velocity of Light

What is an Extinction Shift

On Measurability of Wavelength and Velocity of Waves

On Principal Axioms of Extinction Shift Principal

On Rectilinear Motion of Waves

On Invariance of Wave Equation

On Mathematical Illustrations pertaining to the Extinction Shift Principle